Miva Loyalty Program Integration

This article describes how you can integrate Zinrelo and your Miva e-commerce platform.


This is the old version of this integration. Please contact your customer success manager at [email protected] to see if there is a newer version available.

The Zinrelo program can be easily integrated with your Miva Merchant. With this, you can activate and start running your rewards program on your Miva store in a matter of minutes.

Plugin-integrated features

integration features

The detailed view is mentioned here.

Sign Up With Zinrelo

Before installing the Zinrelo module in your Miva store, you must sign up with Zinrelo and complete the basic setup of your Zinrelo account. You can sign up for a Zinrelo account here.

Note: It is recommended that you create a backup of your Miva store and do the Zinrelo integration on your test server first before performing the integration on your production server.

Setup & Configuration

Setting up a Zinrelo on your Miva store is an easy 5 step process.


Step 1: The Zinrelo Loyalty Rewards module can be downloaded from the Miva App Store here.

Step 2: Go to Home > Modules and click the Add Module button [ + ] to upload the module

Step 3: Click the UPLOAD button and select zinrelo.mvc.

Step 4: Click the [ + Add ] button.

Step 5: To make it live, the module needs to be installed in the store. Under Utility Settings > Add/Remove Modules, click [+] Install on the Zinrelo module

Note: The module automatically injects scripts required to enable Zinrelo in your Miva store. You do not need to add any other code manually to enable Zinrelo in your Miva store.


After installing the module, there is a new Zinrelo tab under Utility Settings:

  • Enter the Partner ID and API Key that you received from Zinrelo. To obtain your Partner ID, go to _General >> Settings_. For the API key, navigate to _General >> API Keys_ and select the API key you created for this purpose.

    For instructions on generating API keys, please refer to this document.


    Please note: The API Keys section under General is only visible to admins with full access.

  • You have the option of awarding loyalty points either when an order is placed, or when an order is shipped.
    • If you select Order Placed, points will be awarded as soon as the customer places the order.
    • If you select Order Shipped, points will be awarded when the order status changes to 'Shipped'.
  • Check the Enable box to turn on Zinrelo Rewards.
  • Click Save Settings.


Please Note: The API key will only be visible to administrators with full access.

On the Zinrelo Store Settings page, you must enter your Store Login URL (Customer Login Page) and Store Sign Up URL (Customer Registration page). Scroll down and click SAVE at the bottom of the page.


Verify Configuration

Before you launch your rewards program, you must verify your configuration in Zinrelo. Log into your Zinrelo account and follow the instructions. When you have finished, click the LAUNCH NOW button.

Once you have launched the Zinrelo Rewards program, you will see a Rewards Program button on your Miva store page. When you click on this button, a Rewards dialog appears.


Integrated plugin features

Member identifier customizationIs it possible to customize a member's email address with another member identifier, such as 'Customer ID,' 'GUID,' 'Phone Number,' or similar options?No
Purchase TrackingThe Purchase tracking passes the data for each purchase to Zinrelo. This enables Zinrelo to award points for purchases.Yes
Return TrackingThe Return tracking passes the data for each return to Zinrelo. These returns are correlated against an earlier corresponding purchase. This Returns Tracking enables Zinrelo to deduct points for returned purchases.Yes
Checkout Page Rewards/In cart RewardThe member available rewards shown in the cart page.Yes


Please Note:

These features are integrated through plugins. If you want to incorporate additional features into your cart beyond these, please reach out to your account manager.

Setup Redemption Options

Redemption options allow your users to redeem their points for rewards. You can set up the redemption options in either of the following ways:

  • Setup Coupons in Zinrelo
  • Setup In-Cart Redemptions (recommended)

Setup Coupons in Zinrelo

For this option, shoppers will be able to redeem their points for coupons in the Zinrelo dashboard. They can then use this coupon at checkout.

Coupons must be set up on Miva first. Under Marketing > Coupons, click the [ + Generate ] button. The Generate Coupons dialog appears.

generate coupon

Give the coupon a name in the Code field and add a brief description in the Description field. In the Eligibility field, select who you want to be able to redeem this coupon: Specific Customers, All Logged-In Customers, or All Shoppers (the default). Enter the number of coupons you want to generate in the # of Coupons field and click the Generate button.

Note: The coupon code must be a unique, single-use code. When generating the code, Miva automatically appends random characters to the end of the coupon code to ensure that all the coupons created are unique.

Miva Integration

To set up coupons on the Zinrelo side, log into your Zinrelo account and go to Program Settings > Rewards.

Select one of the available reward templates or create a new one via the New Reward option.

Note: You can't use the slider to activate the reward until you add a coupon code from Miva.

To add the Miva coupon code, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the Edit button (circle with a pencil icon) in the lower-left corner of the reward box

  2. The coupon dialog appears. Click on the MANAGE CODES tab

manage codes
  1. Click the ADD COUPONS button.

  2. Add the previously generated Miva coupon codes to the text box (one per line).

miva coupon codes

Note: Each code must be unique. If you try to add the same code more than once, the system will reject the duplicates. Add single use, unique coupon codes only. The system will notify you when your codes are running low or exhausted.

  1. Click SAVE.

Adding Coupons in Batch

In general, we recommend that you add large batches of coupon codes to your rewards program at once, in order to avoid duplication of efforts The easiest way to do this is by exporting the coupon codes from Miva to a CSV file and then copy/pasting from the CSV file into Zinrelo. To do this, perform the following steps.

  1. From your Miva admin account, go to Marketing > Coupons.

  2. Select the coupons you want to export by checking the box to the left of the +Code column.

  3. Click the CSV button.


  1. Open the resultant export.csv file and select the contents of column A (the Code column).

export csv

  1. Copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) the codes into the Zinrelo MANAGE CODES text box.

manage coupon

  1. Click SAVE.

coupon settings

Please Note:

The "Redeemed On" data, which indicates the date and time when a coupon code was redeemed, is only accessible when the coupon code is passed through the Award API. within our system.ย 

To display the "Redeemed On" data accurately, it is essential that the coupon code be known and registered within the Zinrelo system. Hence, you have to provide us with the coupon code information, allowing us to track and record the redemption details effectively.

Setup In-Cart Redemptions

In-cart redemption allows users to redeem their rewards from their shopping cart without leaving the purchase flow. It is implemented on the payment page during the checkout process. This achieves the following objectives:

  • It makes redemption easy for customers, improving the overall user experience
  • It increases conversion percentages
  • It attracts customers back for more purchases

To setup in-cart redemptions, perform the following steps.

  1. From your Miva admin account, go to Menu > User Interface.
  2. Search for the OSEL page and click the Edit button.
  3. Search the template for the following line of code:
<form method="post" action="&mvte:urls:OPAY:secure;">
  1. Just above this line, add the following code:
<mvt:item name="zinrelo" param="rewards"/>
  1. Click the [ โœ” Update ] button.

shipping details

Note: 'Zero-point rewards' (rewards that are given without deducting any points) will not be displayed in the Redeem drop-down list. Zero-point rewards are automatically applied to the cart. The drop-down list only displays rewards for which points will be deducted from the available balance.

Loyalty Points Message on Product Pages (Optional)

When customers visit the product pages on your website, you can let them know that they will earn reward points for buying the product on that page. This achieves the following objectives:

  • It improves the purchase conversion rate
  • It increases customer awareness of the loyalty rewards program

To set up a loyalty points message on product pages, perform the following steps.

  1. From your Miva admin account, go to Menu > User Interface.
  2. Search for the PROD page and click the Edit button.
  3. Add the following code in the position on the page where you want to display loyalty point details:

<span style="float: left;">You will earn </span>

<div data-zrl-product-points style="float: left;"> </div>

<span> reward points for this purchase </span>


product diaplay

  1. Log into your Zinrelo account and go to Notifications > Onsite Notifications > PRODUCT DISPLAY PAGES.

  2. Update the Javascript Product Price Identifier Function code as follows:

zrl_mi.price_identifier = function(){

var product = {};

price = miva_product_price;

category = miva_product_category;

product_id = miva_product_id;

if(price) { product['price'] = price; }

if(product_id)  { product['product_id'] = product_id; }

if(category) { product['category'] = category; }

return product; }

product display pages

With these changes, customers will see the loyalty points information on the product display pages.