Integration Overview
This document will brief you about our integration process.
Zinrelo’s integration is best understood in the context of the customer flows in the loyalty program and business use cases for syncing data across systems.
- Enroll customers in the program.
- Embed information about the program at customer touch points.
- Award points to customers for performing certain actions.
- Enable customers to redeem points for rewards.
- Push loyalty data to a CRM for a 360-degree view of the customer.
- Trigger emails from the email marketing tool to increase customer engagement.
Enroll Customers in the Program
To enroll customers in the program, customer details, including a unique ID, must be captured by the business and communicated to Zinrelo. The interface to capture customer information is hosted by the business and will depend on the channel.
Once the customer information is captured, it can be sent to Zinrelo in any of the following ways-
- <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Javascript
- Batch file
Embed information about the program at customer touchpoints
Once customers are enrolled in the program, they will expect to see information about their points and rewards in their interactions with the business. There are different options to show this information, which includes:
End user dashboard: Zinrelo has a packaged solution to render all required information in a dashboard. This dashboard can be rendered on a webpage using the same JavaScript that enrolls customers. <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here to know more.
Embedded UI elements using Javascripts: Selective pieces of information can be embedded on a webpage using some of Zinrelo’s Javascript functions. For these JS functions to be available on the page, Zinrelo’s basic JS should have already been loaded. Click here to know more.
Embedded elements using APIs and Webhooks: JS is an easy option for websites. But this may not be an option for all customer touch points.
For example, you may want to include information about the points earned in the order confirmation email sent from your email marketing tool. In this case, the email cannot dynamically pull in the customer’s available points using Javascript or even API. But you could use the API/ webhooks to sync Zinrelo’s loyalty information with your email marketing tool. That way, the email templates can use native fields to display information about available points.
A similar approach can be considered wherever scripts cannot be added to the user interface to pull in loyalty information. (Covered in more detail in the Email Marketing and CRM sync section.)
Award points to customers
The loyalty program should award points to customers when they perform certain activities. To be able to award points, we need to track customer activities.
Some of the activities are done through Zinrelo’s end user loyalty dashboard. Activities done through the end user dashboard are tracked by Zinrelo and don’t need additional integration. The built-in activities are:
- Account Creation
- Purchase on website
- Anniversary Bonus
- Refer a Friend
- Submit a Receipt
- Code Submission
- Review on website
- Birthday Bonus
- Winback Bonus
- Share on Facebook
- Share on Twitter
- Share on Pinterest
- Follow on Instagram
All other activities that the business wants to incentivize, will be done outside of Zinrelo’s platform. Information about these activities needs to be communicated to Zinrelo so that points can be awarded. The information can be sent to Zinrelo in one of two ways-
Enable customers to redeem points
The redemption experience will start with an interface where customers or business representatives can see the rewards that the customers are eligible to redeem.
The integration requirements depend on the desired redemption experience.
Manual redemption from the Zinrelo admin console: A client service representative redeems the points on behalf of the customer from the Zinrelo admin and processes the reward manually. If the reward is a discount on the purchase, the representative adds the discount to the order manually. This option requires no integration.
Coupon redemption from the Zinrelo end user loyalty dashboard: The end user loyalty dashboard lists all rewards that the customer is eligible to redeem. The customer can redeem points in exchange for a coupon code. The code can be used on the next transaction to claim the reward.
This option requires the end user dashboard to be enabled for the customer and the required coupon codes generated and uploaded in the Zinrelo platform ahead of time.
- 3rd party redemptions initiated from the end user loyalty dashboard: Similar to the coupon redemptions, the redemption experience starts from the loyalty dashboard. Only, instead of issuing a coupon code to the customer, the information needs to be communicated to the 3rd party that will handle the fulfillment of the reward. This communication can be done using
- Redeeming points in the transaction flow:This option provides a seamless customer experience but also requires a tighter integration than other options. Click here to know more.
Push loyalty data to a CRM
CRMs store data from multiple sources to create a single view of the customer. Loyalty data can be one of the sources. Zinrelo APIs and webhooks facilitate data sync between Zinrelo and a CRM. All data of the customers like their transaction, rewards and other activities can all be synced and stored in CRM using our APIs and Webhooks.
- API: You can sync the user transaction details with the CRM. For this, you have to call our List Members API to get the list of all users. And if you want details of the particular date, you just have to enter the date to ‘from_date’ and ‘to_date’ variables.
- Webhooks: You can enable our webhooks to fetch user enrolment, point awarded, points redeemed, points deducted, tier downgrade, tier upgrade, coupon issued to friend, coupon issued to referrer and point expired data to your CRM. Click here to know more.
CRM integration can help customers in recording and retrieving the data, managing administrative tasks like scheduling follow-ups, and developing insights of the business progress.
Trigger loyalty notifications from marketing tools
Zinrelo has integrated with some of the prominent email marketing tools like Iterable, HubSpot, Listrak, Bronto, and Klaviyo to send loyalty program notifications to end-users. All the customers’ data stored with Zinrelo is directly synchronised with these marketing tools, which helps in giving a personalized experience to the end-user. Each email can be triggered and sent out automatically based on specific customer actions.
There are several benefits to this integration. Some of them are listed below:
- Maintain all email metrics such as open rates and click rates in a single tool (Iterable)
- Manage unsubscribe preferences in a single tool.
- Advanced segmentation of customers using loyalty data such as points balance, tier status, eligible rewards.
To know more about our email marketing tools and their configurations, click here.
Updated 12 months ago