List Members

The API Rate Limiting Category is General API. This API endpoint returns a list of all members. By default, the members are returned sorted by enrolment_date, with the most recent members appearing first.

You can also pass in custom attributes to list down all the members associated with Zinrelo. You will first need to define the custom member attributes and then use the internal IDs in the API to pass the data.

  • If custom member attributes are Text, Text Area, Dropdown, then key value will be “custom_attributes”= {“eq”, “neq”, “contains”, “does_not_contain”} For example: Replace custom_attribute_name with any attributes like “tag”= {“eq”: “purchase”}
  • If custom member attribute is Date, then key value will be “custom_attributes” = { “eq”, “gt”, “gte”, “lt”, “lte”, “between”} For example: Replace custom_attribute_name with any attributes like “birthdate”= {“eq”: “08/26/1989”}
  • If custom member attribute is Multiselect, then key value will be “custom_attributes” = {“contain_all_of”, “contain_any_of”, “contain_none_of”} For example: Replace custom_attribute_name with any attributes like “tier”= {“contain_all_of”: “gold”}
  • If the custom member attribute type is Number, then key value will be “custom_attributes” = {“lt”, “lte”, “gt”, “gte”, “eq”, “neq”, “between”} For example: Replace custom_attribute_name with any attributes like "awarded_points"= {“eq”: “1000”}


This is the latest version of the List Members API. If you are still using the older version, click here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!