API Status Codes

For the response, we can have the following structure in case of an error:

Status Codes

This will be a high-level status code from the following:

200OkThe request was successful.
400Bad RequestBad request.
401UnauthorizedYour API key is invalid.
404Not FoundThe resource does not exist.
500Internal Server ErrorAn error occurred with our API.
503Service UnavailableService Unavailable.

Error Codes

This will be the error codes of the following type:

Status CodeError CodeMessage
200UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_PHOTOUnable to upload the photo. Please try again later.
400ATTRIBUTE_NOT_UNIQUEIdParams name passed is not a unique attribute.
200MEMBER_ID_ALREADY_IN_USEMember ID already in use.
200INVALID_MEMBER_STATUSInvalid member status.
200MEMBER_BLOCKEDMember has been blocked.
200MAX_AWARDS_EXCEEDEDMaximum award limit exceeded.
200INVALID_AMOUNT_TO_DEDUCTNot enough points to deduct.
400INVALID_JSONInvalid JSON format.
400INVALID_REQUESTInvalid request: unsupported Content-Type [content-type].
200INCORRECT_MEMBER_ID_PASSEDIncorrect Member ID passed.
200STORE_INACTIVEStore is not active.
200MEMBER_DELETEDMember record has been deleted.
200EXCLUDED_TRANSACTIONPoints could not be awarded because exclusion rule was applied.
404TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXISTTransaction does not exist.
500INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORInternal server error.
400INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER_VALUESInvalid request parameter value.
200INVALID_PHOTOInvalid file type or file size. Please make sure uploaded file type is JPG, JPEG, or PNG. and file size should be less than 10MB.
200PAUSED_ACTIVITYActivity is in paused state.
400ID_PARAM_NAME_NOT_FOUNDIdParams name passed does not exist.
401ERROR_UNAUTHORIZEDSome error occurred while authenticating your account at Zinrelo. Please verify your API credentials.
200DUPLICATE_ORDER_IDLoyalty Points already awarded for the Order ID.
200MEMBER_CREATION_UNSUCCESSFULMember creation unsuccessful.
400MERCHANT_DOES_NOT_EXISTMerchant does not exist.
200TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_UNIQUEUnique transaction attribute for given activity is not unique.
200INVALID_MEMBERMember does not exist.
400INVALID_CURSORInvalid start cursor provided
503SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEAPI Service is unavailable. Please contact Zinrelo support.
200INACTIVE_REWARDThis reward is inactive and cannot be redeemed.
200AUTO_REDEEMABLE_REWARDCannot redeem auto redeemable reward via API.
200INVALID_REWARD_FOR_USERThis reward is not valid for the user.
200MAX_REWARDS_EXCEEDEDMaximum redemption threshold for reward reached.
200INSUFFICIENT_REDEEMABLE_POINTSUser points balance insufficient.
200INVALID_REWARD_FOR_TIERThis reward is not valid for user tier.
200ORDER_NOT_EXISTOrder with this id does not exist.
200PRODUCT_QUANTITY_EXCEEDEDReturned product quantity exceeds order quantity.
200INVALID_PRODUCT_IDIncorrect product id passed.
200RETURN_VALUE_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE_BALANCEReturned order value exceeds user's points balance.
200PRODUCT_ID_AND_RETURN_AMOUNT_PASSEDPlease pass either returned product id or returned amount.
429RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDRate limit exceeded.