For the response, we can have the following structure in case of an error:
Status Codes
This will be a high-level status code from the following:
Code | Title | Description |
200 | Ok | The request was successful. |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request. |
401 | Unauthorized | Your API key is invalid. |
404 | Not Found | The resource does not exist. |
500 | Internal Server Error | An error occurred with our API. |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service Unavailable. |
Error Codes
This will be the error codes of the following type:
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
200 | UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_PHOTO | Unable to upload the photo. Please try again later. |
400 | ATTRIBUTE_NOT_UNIQUE | IdParams name passed is not a unique attribute. |
200 | MEMBER_ID_ALREADY_IN_USE | Member ID already in use. |
200 | INVALID_MEMBER_STATUS | Invalid member status. |
200 | MEMBER_BLOCKED | Member has been blocked. |
200 | MAX_AWARDS_EXCEEDED | Maximum award limit exceeded. |
200 | INVALID_AMOUNT_TO_DEDUCT | Not enough points to deduct. |
400 | INVALID_JSON | Invalid JSON format. |
400 | INVALID_REQUEST | Invalid request: unsupported Content-Type [content-type]. |
200 | INCORRECT_MEMBER_ID_PASSED | Incorrect Member ID passed. |
200 | STORE_INACTIVE | Store is not active. |
200 | MEMBER_DELETED | Member record has been deleted. |
200 | EXCLUDED_TRANSACTION | Points could not be awarded because exclusion rule was applied. |
404 | TRANSACTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Transaction does not exist. |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal server error. |
400 | INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER_VALUES | Invalid request parameter value. |
200 | INVALID_PHOTO | Invalid file type or file size. Please make sure uploaded file type is JPG, JPEG, or PNG. and file size should be less than 10MB. |
200 | PAUSED_ACTIVITY | Activity is in paused state. |
400 | ID_PARAM_NAME_NOT_FOUND | IdParams name passed does not exist. |
401 | ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED | Some error occurred while authenticating your account at Zinrelo. Please verify your API credentials. |
200 | DUPLICATE_ORDER_ID | Loyalty Points already awarded for the Order ID. |
200 | MEMBER_CREATION_UNSUCCESSFUL | Member creation unsuccessful. |
400 | MERCHANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Merchant does not exist. |
200 | TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_UNIQUE | Unique transaction attribute for given activity is not unique. |
200 | INVALID_MEMBER | Member does not exist. |
400 | INVALID_CURSOR | Invalid start cursor provided |
503 | SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | API Service is unavailable. Please contact Zinrelo support. |
200 | INACTIVE_REWARD | This reward is inactive and cannot be redeemed. |
200 | AUTO_REDEEMABLE_REWARD | Cannot redeem auto redeemable reward via API. |
200 | INVALID_REWARD_FOR_USER | Returned product quantity exceeds order quantity. |
200 | MAX_REWARDS_EXCEEDED | Maximum redemption threshold for reward reached. |
200 | INSUFFICIENT_REDEEMABLE_POINTS | User points balance insufficient. |
200 | INVALID_REWARD_FOR_TIER | This reward is not valid for user tier. |
200 | ORDER_NOT_EXIST | Order with this id does not exist. |
200 | PRODUCT_QUANTITY_EXCEEDED | Returned product quantity exceeds order quantity. |
200 | INVALID_PRODUCT_ID | Incorrect product id passed. |
200 | RETURN_VALUE_EXCEEDS_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | Returned order value exceeds user's points balance. |
200 | PRODUCT_ID_AND_RETURN_AMOUNT_PASSED | Please pass either returned product id or returned amount. |