List Member's Transaction API

This API endpoint returns a list of member's transactions. The endpoint will retrieve the data identified by the access token and partner id. Access token will generated from your end. For more details on this, refer to API Authentication.

Note: By default, the transactions are returned sorted by created_date.

Note: In the case of "submit_a_receipt" activity, the response will show "receipt_uid" in the "additional_data" field.

If you intend to use the status and point_status parameters together, consider the following guidelines:

  • For the “approved” status, you can examine point statuses such as "approved," "redeemed," "deducted," "expired," or "auto-approved."
  • For the “pending” status, you can to review point statuses like “redemption_pending,” “redemption_cancelled,” “pending_deduction,” and or “pending."
  • For the “rejected” status, you can check for “auto_rejected” or “rejected” point status.
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