
The Guest APIs are designed for use on the frontend and can be utilized to construct your own UI elements, such as the loyalty dashboard.

To enable the use of the API from the frontend, authentication is based on partner ID. Unlike the UI APIs, Guest APIs will only fetch basic program details.

Before commencing the use of the Guest API, it is imperative to grant access to the origin. To achieve this, you must provide the origin URL within the CORS settings located in the Admin Console.

To navigate to these settings, please follow these steps:

  1. Access the Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to the "General" section.
  3. Select "Settings."
  4. Find "CORS Settings."
  5. Add the origin URL.
CORS Settings

You have the option to specify multiple domains by separating them with commas without any space.

Once the necessary domains have been configured, please remember to save your changes.