What is the protocol for emails when members accumulate points across the various reward thresholds?
How are 'Approaching Rewards' emails handled when there are multiple rewards within a close range of points? Will each reward trigger a separate email, or will there be a consolidation? For instance, if rewards are set at 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 points and a member has 80 points, prompting eligibility for reward 1, will an email be sent? Similarly, when the member reaches 160 points, will an email include both rewards 1 and 2?
Posted by Jessica Jones 10 months ago
I need interval_thresold_in_days documentation
Please give me all documentation with interval_thresold_in_days
Posted by Wojciech over 1 year ago
How can we use the API to verify coupon codes and ultimatly redeem them?
We've got our rewards setup with generated coupon codes but need a way to verify the coupon codes at checkout. The API does not seem to return a list of coupon codes applied to a current reward.
Posted by Hayden Shaw over 2 years ago